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Sales Excellence

I am your performance driver and ...

Sales Excellence

I am your performance driver and ...

… assisting you in the strategic alignment of your sales activities.
… optimizing your sales organization in cooperation with your executives.
… contributing to a sustainable increase in sales.

Specific and effective sales strategy

The Board of Directors gave me the task of conducting a strategic review of their operating sales initiatives. Based on both quantitative and qualitative strategic analyses, the general strategic thrust was discussed with an efficient core team and laid out in writing. The required operationalization was performed along the lines of a balanced scorecard. The sales projects designed to reach the specified goals were presented during monthly steering meetings and decided upon accordingly.

Taking sales management from good to great

Despite having enjoyed a number of successful years, the Sales Director was putting great emphasis on the systematic strengthening of his executives. Based on the Sixteen Differentiating Competencies according to Zenger/Folkman, both self-evaluations and external assessments were performed on all management levels. The resulting insights were then jointly translated into development plans for the executives. At the same time, cooperation between regional managers was reinforced by joint sales strategy projects. ‘Quick wins’ were presented to all responsible sales personnel in the course of management workshops, swiftly initiating comprehensive implementation.

Challenge to excellence

In the course of a change of management in a regional directorate, the Sales Director ordered process consulting for their new executive. Following an extensive assessment of the situation, a vision for the sales region was developed in cooperation with the management team. A master plan including various leadership projects and numerous staff events for mobilizing implementation energy were launched. During regularly scheduled management meetings, progress was reflected upon and the next steps determined following a continuous planning philosophy. Within two years, the management team of the regional directorate succeeded in rolling up the field from behind and gain top position after having finished last in its industry in the years before. The company was also able to repeat its success in the next year.

Raising sales by 20%

The task submitted by the Sales Director was to boost the effectiveness of its fully employed sales force and increase sales in their life insurance business by 20%. ‘Best cases’ were developed together with the responsible executives, using pioneers for launching the required pilot initiative. Accompanying measures were initiated in the fields of marketing, sales promotion, process optimization, distribution controlling and sales training, concurrently establishing a monthly success reporting process for the Board. We succeeded in raising long-term productivity while also conducting fair severance talks with failing employees.


Strategic partners

  • European Community of Experts in Marketing and Sales – Club 55
  • LIMAK Business School
  • Scheelen AG, Institute for Management Consulting and Diagnostics
  • Stefan Lammers Business Building, Düsseldorf


Q&A Session: Consultant/Sales Excellence

Why is the comfort zone unjustly criticised?

How do you find the right organisational design?

Which success factors should be considered in change processes?

How can the required/desired cultural change be pragmatically initiated?

What is the significance and impact of periodic breaks for executive boards and management teams?