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Speaker & Trainer

I am your initiator and ...

Speaker & Trainer

I am your initiator and ...

… prompting developments.
… activating new problem-solving approaches.
… embedding sustainable changes.



  • Inspiring talks on subjects such as extraordinary leadership (Zenger/Folkman), discovering and promoting talents, the power of solution-focusing according to Ben Furman, etc.
  • Effective learning settings for reinforcing leadership and management qualities
  • ‘Fit for change’, planning own change projects in change workshops for immediate realization and test driving
  • Systematic use of management diagnostics as part of the selection and development process

  • I value Andreas Wieland as an interesting innovator and business consultant. He quickly gained the acceptance of our leaders and gave greater importance to development.

    Dir. Ing. Elmar Leitl - MBA Managing Director, Raiffeisenbank Ybbstal
  • For more than 8 years, Andreas Wieland has inspired our participants in Leadership and Change Management seminars. His extensive expertise and engaging presentation style consistently receive excellent personal feedback and evaluation results every year. 

    Mag. (FH) Markus Eisl, MBA CMC - Head of Functionary and Leadership Development, Raiffeisen Campus
  • Goal-oriented, very experienced in his field, highly trustworthy. Conversations with him in my previous HR roles at various companies were always very inspiring.

    Dr. Uta Stockbauer - Vice President, Head of People & Culture, Miba AG
  • For years, we have relied on Dr. Andreas Wieland's expertise in Leadership Performance. He is highly valued among managers and quickly establishes a professional yet collegial rapport. 

    Florian Frey - Global Vice President HR, MD Elektronik
  • Dr. Andreas Wieland has been successfully working on our LIMAK Inspire projects both nationally and internationally since 2016. Our clients' board members and managing directors appreciate his management competence and extensive consulting experience. He quickly establishes a very good and trustworthy communication base. 

    Mag. Gerhard Leitner, MSc - CEO, LIMAK Management


Q&A Session: Speaker/Coach

What are potential analyses functional for?

Is good leadership performance enough for your company's future challenges?

Why do top executives and entrepreneurial personalities choose executive coaching?

How do managers cope with increasing uncertainty?

What is crucial in coaching support – on the "knife's edge," perhaps the "last chance"?